Supporting Every Child’s Right to Read

Dr. Valdine Björnson: My Journey to the Science of Reading

Join Dr. Valdine Bjornson a Teacher & Consultant and Dr. Kathryn Garforth as the speak about the #RightToRead and her journey to the science of reading.
Dr. Kathryn Garforth, Ph.D.
Founder of Garforth Education and The Right To Read Initiative. 
Garforth Education provides online courses and professional development for educators. Garforth Education provides support to families of neurodiverse individuals. Dr. Garforth helps them understand the diagnosis and needs of their child.


Dr. Kathryn Garforth is passionate about every child's #RightToRead. As a dyslexic and the parent of a dyslexic she has a personal connection to the struggles students face. Her teacher training program did not provide the training to teach children like her how to read.  She's determined to spread awareness about best practices for teaching reading.


Twitter: @GarforthEduc

Dr. Valdine Björnson

Dr. Björnson (EdD) has earned a Doctor of Education degree focusing on adults with dyslexia in Manitoba. She has also completed a MEd. (Reading Clinician Certification), Special Education Certificate, C-TESL, and a Graduate Certificate (M. A. Program) in International Education. She is certified by the International Dyslexia Association as a Tier 3 Structured Literacy-Dyslexia Specialist. She has worked in several Manitoba school divisions and international schools teaching EAL, music, and in early years classrooms. Over the past several years, she has served as a Reading Clinician-Specialist at University, in public schools, and in private practice. Valdine frequently provides workshops, training, and professional development for educators across Canada and internationally.

Dr. Björnson founded the Reading and Learning Clinic of Manitoba in order to provide evidence-based professional development to Manitoba educators as well as advocacy and intervention to students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. Her courses include Classroom Educator and Associate accredited courses with the Orton-Gillingham Academy.

Bjornson, V. C. V. (2021). “Digging a Hole With a Fork”: Investigating Reading Difficulty in Manitoba: An Exploratory Case Study of Adults (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.

“Digging a Hole With a Fork”: Investigating Reading Difficulty in Manitoba: An Exploratory Case Study of Adults


Social Media Links:


Facebook: Reading and Learning Clinic of Manitoba

Twitter: @DrVcvb

Facebook: Dr. Valdine Bjornson; EdD ReadingClinician-EAL, FIT/AOGPE

Instagram: dr_vbjornson

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