Supporting Every Child’s Right to Read

Right to Read Inquiry & Screening

Dr. Kathryn Garforth and Una Malcolm from Bright Light Learners discussed the Right to Read Inquiry & Screening.

The Right To Read Inquiry Recommendations

Dr. Kathryn Garforth, Ph.D.
Founder of Garforth Education and The Right To Read Initiative. 
Garforth Education provides online courses and professional development for educators. Garforth Education provides support to families of neurodiverse individuals. Dr. Garforth helps them understand the diagnosis and needs of their child.


Dr. Kathryn Garforth is passionate about every child's #RightToRead. As a dyslexic and the parent of a dyslexic she has a personal connection to the struggles students face. Her teacher training program did not provide the training to teach children like her how to read.  She's determined to spread awareness about best practices for teaching reading.


Twitter: @GarforthEduc

Una Malcolm is a structured literacy interventionist and doctoral student in the Reading Science program at Mount St. Joseph University. She has a Master’s degree in Child Study and Education from the University of Toronto and is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers. Una is trained in several evidence-based teaching methods, such as Direct Instruction, Phono-Graphix and Lindamood-Bell. Una is an Acadience Reading K-6 (formerly DIBELS Next) Mentor.


Key Ideas:
– The purpose of assessment is to answer questions – we have 3 main types of questions: (1) who needs help, (2) what should that help be, and (3) is that help working?
– Screening lets us know (1) who is at risk, and (2) what systems are at risk
– What exactly is a screener – examples and non-examples (running records, DIY screeners), criteria for choosing one
– Screening looks different at different ages – we screen different skills at different ages
– Using screeners at the class level – skills-based groupings
– Using screeners at the individual level – shaping intervention

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