Right To Read Inquiry & What I Should Have Learned In College
Dr. Kathryn Garforth and Donna Hejtmanek discussed the Right To Read Inquiry & What I Should Have Learned In College.
The Right To Read Inquiry Recommendations
Donna Hejtmanek retired after 41 years of teaching special education and serving as a reading specialist/ interventionist. She served as president of the Literacy Task Force of Northern Wisconsin, was appointed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2014 to Wisconsin’s Read to Lead Literacy Council, served as the legislative chair of the International Dyslexia Association and served on The Legislative Council Study Committee on the Identification and Management of Dyslexia in 2018, resulting in Wisconsin’s first dyslexia bill, Act 86, signed into legislation in 2019. Hejtmanek was awarded the Herb Kohl Teacher Fellowship Award in 2016.. Now, in her fourth year of retirement, she spends her days creating professional development opportunities for teachers and administers her Facebook group, Science of Reading—What I Should Have Learned in College, writing legislation, and again serving as the President of the Literacy Task Force and administrator of the WI-Sor and Literacy Task Force of Wisconsin.