Right To Read Inquiry & Reading in the Brain
Join Dr. Carolyn Strpm a Clinical Assistant Professor from NYU and Dr. Kathryn Garforth as the speak about the #RightToRead and Reading in the Brain.
Resources mentioned in this talk:
- Longer readings:
- Article: What we have learned in spelling over 40 years (Treiman)
- Chapters 5, 6 in Brain Words (Gentry & Ouellete): Spelling phases and spell to read
- Article: Invented Spelling in K predicts reading/spelling in 1st grade (Ouellette & Senechal)
- Resource for teaching printing to primary age children: Printing like a Pro
- Brief readings (5 min or less each)
- Overview of Spelling Phases for Parents
- Handwriting & Connection to Reading
- Pencil Grasp Development: (brief)
- Strengthening fingers
- Optional:
- Article: Invented Spelling (Chomsky)
- Book chapter: In Making Speech Visible (Herron), read Chapter 10 (The Third Door to Literacy)
Other Resources:
The Right to Read Initiative & Repeated Readings
Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching Children to Read

Dr. Kathryn Garforth, Ph.D.
Founder of Garforth Education and The Right To Read Initiative.
Garforth Education provides online courses and professional development for educators. Garforth Education provides support to families of neurodiverse individuals. Dr. Garforth helps them understand the diagnosis and needs of their child.
Dr. Kathryn Garforth is passionate about every child's #RightToRead. As a dyslexic and the parent of a dyslexic she has a personal connection to the struggles students face. Her teacher training program did not provide the training to teach children like her how to read. She's determined to spread awareness about best practices for teaching reading.
Twitter: @GarforthEduc

Carolyn H. Strom, PhD
Carolyn is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Literacy at NYU’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Her work is focused on bridging the divide between scientific research and instructional practices. She graduated magna cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania, has a Master’s degree from USC in Reading Education and a PhD from NYU.
Website: https://carolynstrom. com/about
Webinar: Cortex in the Classroom
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carolyn_strom